• 2022-05-28
    There is no possibility of getting business done unless you _____your price by 3%.
  • reduce


    • 0

      Guanxi is an important mechanism for building long-term business relationships and getting business done in China.

    • 1

      you reduce your price by USD 5 per dozen, we will have to decline your offer. A: Unless B: While C: When D: Except

    • 2

      —— How are you getting along with your presentation?—— Almost ready, and I ______ all I am supposed to. A: did B: had done C: have done D: shall have done

    • 3

      --Hey, how are you getting with your girlfriend?--__________ A: It’s none of your business! B: Dear me! C: Take it easy. D: Enjoy yourself.

    • 4

      There’s no chance of getting the job unless you apply.