• 2022-05-28
    请翻译下列句子。 It can help them assess market potential and market share or to measure the effectiveness of pricing, product, distribution, and promotion activities.
  • 营销调查还可以帮助营销人员评估市场潜力以及市场份额,或者来衡量定价、产品、分销、促销活动的有效性。


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      Product ideas may come from the pulling of the market, or the promotion of technology.

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      An organisation should compare its sales from a product or service in a specified market to the sales earned by the entity with the largest market share, not the total sales in the market as a whole.( )

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      Statistics and details about the product and the market help make a good product presentation.

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      With the current emphasis on product development, pricing, branding, and promotion, the physical distribution of materials and goods is no longer a major concern of marketing.

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      ________ your product and distribution method are suited, then you’re essentially trying to reach the market with a product they need or want.