• 2022-05-28
    第一片集成电路的发明者是( )
    A: Jack Kilby
    B: William Shockle
    C: JohnW.Mauchly
    D: J.PresperEckert
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      大数据概念是在_________年由_________首次提出的。 A: 1998 John R Masey B: 1991 Kevin Ashton C: 1956 John McCarthy D: 1946 JohnW.Mauchly J.PresperEckert

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      The first integrated circuit, which was invented by Jack Kilby, was not crude and had no problems.

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      ​1956年诺贝尔物理学奖被授予( )的发明者.‍ A: 二极管 B: 晶体管 C: 集成电路 D: 功放电路

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