LU cuisine 鲁菜
- Kung Pao Chicken belongs to A: Lu cuisine B: Yue cuisine C: Chuan cuisine D: Su cuisine
- What are the major four cuisines ? A: Chuan cuisine B: Yue cuisine C: Lu cuisine D: Su cuisine E: Ningbo cuisine
- Shandong Cuisine, also named Lu cai, is the representative of the northern cuisine.
- Lu cuisine is famous for its salt flavor and over 30 techniques are used in cooking.
- There are eight major Chinese cuisines(八大菜系)based on regional cooking. Theyare Shandong cuisine(鲁菜),Sichuan cuisine(川菜),Anhui cuisine(徽菜),Hunan cuisine(湘菜),Fujian cuisine(闽菜),Zhejiang cuisine(浙菜), ___________and ______________. A: Beijing cuisine(京菜) and Huaiiyang cuisine(苏菜) B: Shanxi cuisine(山西菜)and Huaiyang cuisine(苏菜) C: Cantonese cuisine(粤菜)and Dongbei cuisine(东北菜) D: Huaiyang cuisine(苏菜) and Cantonese cuisine(粤菜)