• 2022-07-26
    Which of the following statement about time-dependent Schrödinger equation is not true?
    A: It describes the evolution in time of any quantum state.
    B: It takes the form: [img=84x44]1803bd52bb68940.png[/img].
    C: It allows to calculate the time derivative of a wave function from its spatial-coordinate dependence at a fixed time.
    D: If [img=15x24]1803bd52c3a0abd.png[/img] does not depend on time, its solution reads as [img=244x49]1803bd52cec3dd5.png[/img] .
  • B



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      Given a discrete time system block diagram[img=495x165]1803a2f9b95475b.png[/img]determine its transpose structure. A: [img=394x194]1803a2f9c75e364.png[/img] B: [img=387x180]1803a2f9d557756.png[/img] C: [img=423x140]1803a2f9e41568d.png[/img] D: [img=402x148]1803a2f9f1ed61a.png[/img]

    • 1

      The 1930s and 1940s saw Qipao in its peak fashion and modifications. Western attributes influenced the dress. Which picture show Qipao’s feature at that time? A: [img=141x233]1803418abf97057.png[/img] B: [img=147x229]1803418acf3681e.png[/img] C: [img=127x229]1803418ae16f590.png[/img] D: [img=141x227]1803418af111e3b.png[/img]

    • 2

      Peter is going to talk about a typical workday. Listen and match each activity in the right column with its corresponding time in the left column.[音频][img=1391x908]17e0cf06d39388f.png[/img]

    • 3

      For the following program fragment the running time(Big-O) is()[img=804x160]1803603dc50d7b2.png[/img] A: [img=62x25]1803603dcd711cc.png[/img] B: [img=58x28]1803603dd61ade8.png[/img] C: [img=39x25]1803603dded0619.png[/img] D: [img=73x25]1803603de6a38a6.png[/img]

    • 4

      A mass m is resting on a horizontal frictionless surface attached to a spring of spring force constant k . At time t = 0 , the mass is given a sharp blow, causing it to move the right with speed v . The next time the mass will have this speed is _________________ . A: [img=87x39]1802eac7b3965ae.png[/img] B: [img=91x46]1802eac7bbd36d7.png[/img] C: [img=85x45]1802eac7c49f55d.png[/img] D: [img=109x49]1802eac7d08bb09.png[/img]