• 2022-07-26
    Which of the following statements about time-dependent Schrödinger equation is False?
    A: It describes the evolution in time of any quantum state.
    B: It allows to calculate the time derivative of a wave function from its spatial-coordinate dependence at a fixed time.
    C: If [img=15x24]1803bd5c93e1f87.png[/img] does not depend on time, its solution reads as [img=220x61]1803bd5c9df69ff.png[/img]
    D: [img=80x44]1803bd5ca7409eb.png[/img] is satisfied, only if [img=15x24]1803bd5cafc8d0c.png[/img] does not depend on time.
  • D


    • 0

      已知单线激光雷达数据点(ρ, θ)=(10,30°),计算x、y: A: [img=118x28]18036c00fcf56fb.png[/img] B: [img=118x28]18036c010630126.png[/img] C: x= 5, y=5 D: x=10, y=5

    • 1

      Which of the following propositions is false,set A = {x,x is an integer and[img=60x23]1803a1c6eebb7a3.png[/img]} ? ( ) A: [img=113x25]1803a1c6f77ce06.png[/img] B: [img=139x25]1803a1c7001fe79.png[/img] C: [img=51x22]1803a1c70863f61.png[/img] D: {x|x is an integer and |x| 4}[img=33x22]1803a1c711a7c63.png[/img]

    • 2

      Which of the following propositions is false,set A = {x,x is an integer and [img=60x23]1803a1c503ffa04.png[/img]} ? ( ) A: [img=113x25]1803a1c50cc3162.png[/img] B: [img=139x25]1803a1c514e60ea.png[/img] C: [img=51x22]1803a1c51dd52ef.png[/img] D: {x|x is an integer and |x| <4} [img=33x22]1803a1c525cf1bd.png[/img]

    • 3

      设二维随机变量(X,Y)的联合概率密度为[img=433x109]17d609a6fbff1b1.png[/img]则[img=133x37]17d609a707b0d2a.png[/img]=()。 A: 3/20 B: 5/16 C: 5/24 D: 5/18

    • 4

      The 1930s and 1940s saw Qipao in its peak fashion and modifications. Western attributes influenced the dress. Which picture show Qipao’s feature at that time? A: [img=141x233]1803418abf97057.png[/img] B: [img=147x229]1803418acf3681e.png[/img] C: [img=127x229]1803418ae16f590.png[/img] D: [img=141x227]1803418af111e3b.png[/img]