• 2022-06-27
    What can we learn about Lake Natron?
    A: It is simply uninhabitable for most animals.
    B: It remains little known to the outside world.
    C: It is a breeding ground for a variety of birds.
    D: It makes an ideal habitat for lots of predators.
  • A



    • 0

      African safari is about animals in their natural habitat, and lots of animals are easily seen but__.

    • 1

      Lake Natron is simply uninhabitable for most animals. 未知类型:{'label': 'questionDesc', 'content': '请根据所给材料判断题干是否正确。', 'isMemberControl': 0, 'type': 181} 未知类型:{'label': 'source', 'content': '2017年12月 六级 卷三 仔细阅读1', 'isMemberControl': 0, 'type': 181}

    • 2

      What does the professor mean where says this: A: Results are tragic when airplanes strike birds. B: Sightings of birds from aircraft are unusual. C: Airplanes do not frighten away most birds. D: There is little similarity between birds and jets.

    • 3

      By cutting down trees we _______ the natural habitat of birds and animals. A: damage B: injure C: hurt D: wound

    • 4

      By cutting down trees we ______ the natural habitat of birds and animals. A: damage B: injure C: hurt D: harm