• 2021-04-14
    market where no single buyer or seller can influence the price is
  • a competitive market


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      A force majeure event should have the following features EXCEPT that ( )。 A: it happens after the contract is signed B: it is not due to the negligence of the buyer or seller C: neither the buyer nor the seller can control the situation D: either the buyer or the seller can control the situation

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      The seller reduces the price by a certain percentage of the original price the for the buyer according to the original price, that’s to say to do proper favour in price on the buyer, the favour is ( ) A: commission B: discount C: advance payment D: deposit

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      A counteroffer can be made by either a seller or a buyer in a business transaction.

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      In ___________, there is more supply than demand, buyers are at an advantage and prices are low. A: buyer's market B: seller's market C: bull market D: bear market

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      In letter 4 ,who is writer?buyer or seller?A sellerB buyer A: seller B: buyer