• 2021-04-14
    1. As you may (1) ___________________(记起), he had a little sister who was five years old then.2. The handwriting on both cheques is (2) ___________________ (完全相同).3. A (3) _________________ (闪现的光芒)of interest came into her eyes.4. At this time of the year the rivers (4) _____________________(词组:充满) fish.5. The winners (5) ______________________(使钟声响起) the bells to celebrate victory.6. She (6) ________________________ (晕倒)at the sight of blood.7. She (7) ___________________(紧紧搂住) the children to her.8. These symptoms should (8) _______________(消失) once you stop taking the medicine.9. I have (9)_____________________(使...分离,脱离) the watch from the chain.10. A teak table and chairs (10) __________________________(装点,给...提供家具) the roof terrace.11. There is plenty of space for all the usual kitchen (11) ____________________(家用电器).12. So all we have to do now is finalize the (12) _______________________(送货) arrangements.13. Who keeps company with the wolf will learn to (13) __________________(嚎叫). 近墨者黑。14. People (14) _____________________(讨厌,憎恨) him for his superior air.15. They (15) ______________________ (装配)the parts and components into a car.16. It used to be believed that sugar could (16) _____________________ (腐蚀)the teeth.
  • 举一反三