A: new java.math.BigInteger(343);
B: new java.math.BigDecimal("343.445");
C: new java.math.BigDecimal(343.445);
D: new java.math.BigInteger("343");
A: new java.math.BigInteger(343);
B: new java.math.BigDecimal("343.445");
C: new java.math.BigDecimal(343.445);
D: new java.math.BigInteger("343");
- Can you identify the logical fallacy in this claim? “We have a new Math teacher. And my Math turns out to be a disaster this semester. The new Math teacher is responsible for my poor performance. ”
- 如果你想问:他是你的新数学老师吗?”应该说: A: Is she your math teacher? B: He is your new math teacher. C: Is he your new math teacher?
- Can you identify the logical fallacy in this claim? “We have a new Math teacher. And my Math turns out to be a disaster this semester. The new Math teacher is responsible for my poor performance. ” A: guilt by association B: begging the question C: oversimplification D: post hoc
- 中国大学MOOC: 对于下列代码,以下表达式的值为true的是( )。String str1=java;String str2=java; String str3=new String(java); StringBuffer str4=new StringBuffer(java);
- 现有:String str1="Java"; String str2=new String("Java"); String str3="Java"; String str4=new String("Java"); 在下列表达式中,结果为true的有