• 2022-05-31
    Can you identify the logical fallacy in this claim? “We have a new Math teacher. And my Math turns out to be a disaster this semester. The new Math teacher is responsible for my poor performance. ”
    A: guilt by association
    B: begging the question
    C: oversimplification
    D: post hoc
  • D


    • 0

      can you identify the logical fallacy in this claim

    • 1

      A: Dad, could you help me with my math assignmentB: ______ But I’ll try. A: Give me a break. B: My math is great. C: My math is rusty. D: How come

    • 2

      Can you identify the logical fallacy in this claim? “My roommate said philosophy class is boring, and I felt the same too. All philosophy classes must be boring.”

    • 3

      -Mr. Brown, could you help me with my math?-Sure. Come to my office at 7 pm. I several other kids math then and you can join us.(2013杭州二中高三第二次月考) A: have been teaching B: have taught C: will teach D: will be teaching

    • 4

      They have ___________ a new head teacher at my son's school.