Producer surplus definitely exists when the
- What is the total surplus of a market? A: the sum of consumer surplus and producer deficit B: the sum of consumer surplus and producer surplus C: the difference between the consumer surplus and producer surplus D: the difference between the highest price that a consumer is willing to pay and the lowest price that a producer is willing to sell
- Producer surplus
- When one producer has a lower opportunity cost of production than another producer for a given item, what exists? A: Absolute disadvantage B: Comparative disadvantage C: Comparative advantage D: Absolute advantage
- how much is consumer surplus and producer surplus respectively? A: 8、8 B: 2、8 C: 8、16 D: 4、16
- Moving production from a<br/>high-cost producer to a low-cost producer will (<br/>) A: lower total surplus. B: raise total surplus. C: lower producer surplus. D: raise producer surplus but<br/>lower consumer surplus.