• 2021-04-14
    The following passage is from the captureplanning.com website. It is an introductory paragraph and the first thing a viewer on the website will see. Who do you think the audience is for the passage? ( ) In business proposal writing, the only opinion that matters is that of your customer's. If you want to know what to include in your proposal or how to best format a proposal, you need to look at it from the customer's point of view. Business proposal writing should answer any questions the customer has and explain the benefits of your approach. If you want to perfect your proposal writing, you need to first perfect your understanding of your customer. It's not about what you want to say or how well you can describe yourself; it's about what the customer needs to know in order to select the winner. Only after you master writing from the customer's perspective can you write a proposal that is the most effective. Some general advice for people who are new to business proposal writing is provided below...
  • Someone who is not familiar with writing business proposals


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      What questions should you ask and answer when you imagine “a day in the life of your customer?”

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      What need you do if you want to place the ads on your website?

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      What is the author's main intention in writing the passage A: To tell why you should shift to e-business. B: To inform you of some steps to bring your business online. C: To suggest that e-business will replace the conventional business model. D: To advice you to regard the four cornerstones as your e-business model.

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      When does your company need a proposal A: At anytime, but especially when a project is starting out. B: When you are looking to partner and building a team, a proposal can provide a story and context for your company to organize ideas and actions. C: When you are looking to getting financing, you need to map out your vision in a thorough and appealing proposal for your investors.

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      Listen to the conversation and circle the appropriate letter. What is called a solicited proposal A: The proposal customers ask you to make. B: The proposal you send to customers on your own initiative. C: The proposal which has many restrictions.