• 2022-06-05
    The girl was unable to ________ her tears any longer.
    A: ) hold down
    B: ) hold on
    C: ). hold back
    D: ) hold out
  • C


    • 0

      The Indian cookery book is here, but . Have we got all the ingredients? A: hold on B: hold out C: hold for D: hold down

    • 1

      The fight could have been avoided if both of you had been able to () your anger. A: hold back B: hold on C: hold out D: hold up

    • 2

      The poor girl couldn't ________ from her tears any more when her mother showed up. A: refrain B: withdraw C: hold D: withhold

    • 3

      On every formal occasion, they strictly ______ the formalities. A: hold in B: hold to C: hold down D: hold over

    • 4

      He could no longer________his laughter.? hold against|hold up|hold back|hold onto