• 2022-06-06
    What are measures that can be taken to reduce outdoor air pollution? ( )
    A: Encouraging less frequent emissions inspections on vehicles
    B: Using less-leaded gasoline
    C: Reducing the burning of garbage
    D: Using leaded gasoline
  • B,C


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      Softening Claims” Using natural gas instead of coal ______ prevent air pollution”

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      What measures have been taken to reduce car accidents?

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      Which of the following titles is a proper one? A: What should we do to prevent air pollution? B: An Exploration into the Measures to Prevent Air Pollution C: How does air pollution happen? D: Computer Retrieval

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      Wi-Fi network________. A: is secure enough B: is less secure C: is secure with using SSL technology D: is less secure with unencrypted internet access

    • 4

      If there is nitrogen oxide in the smoke produced by the ship, it will lead to the generation of photochemical smoke, acid rain, etc. Which of the following measures can not reduce the nitrogen oxide content in the smoke?_____ A: Add water to fuel B: Recycle part of exhaust gas C: Using SCR D: Burning heavy oil