中国大学MOOC: When considering the timeframe of an investment, a rule followed by some is to choose the investment with _________ payback period.考虑一项投资的时限时,应遵循的规则是选择具有_________投资回收期的投资。
- When considering the timeframe of an investment, a rule followed by some is to choose the investment with _________ payback period.考虑一项投资的时限时,应遵循的规则是选择具有_________投资回收期的投资。 A: no (无) B: the longest (最长) C: the shortest (最短) D: an infinite (无限)
- 投资回收期(PP,Payback Period)代表收回投资所需的年限。回收期越短,方案越不利。
- 投资(Investment)
- 投资( investment)概念
- 概念题:投资(investment)