• 2022-06-06
    A few sentences about your subject that catch the attention of your reader is called____
  • General Statements.


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      Do you know how to attract the reader’s attention? A: a. use a question to catch the customer’s attention in the opening paragraph B: b. Focus on the benefits of your product C: c. stress its features from the customer's perspective. D: none

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      In the ________ , you might talk about all of the similarities between subject A and subject B and then the differences between subject A and subject B depending on what your topic is.

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      Your final outline should include the following contents except:( ) A: Transitions. B: Detailed supporting materials C: Attention getter. D: Complete sentences of your conclusion.

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      Translate into Chinese the underlined sentences in the article. 1. Your friend is put on trial and you are called to testify.

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      The passage is mainly about . A: how to communicate friendly with strangers B: how to give your undivided attention to others in a social situation C: how to act properly in the first few minutes of contact D: how to play-act in the first few minutes of contact