• 2022-06-04
    A secondary market is a financial market in which new securities are traded, while a primary market is for trading second-handed securities.
  • 内容

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      A corporation acquires new funds only when its securities are sold? in the secondary market by an investment bank|in the primary market by an investment bank|in the secondary market by a stock exchange broker|in the secondary market by a commercial bank

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      An important financial institution that assists in the initial sale of securities in the primary market is the _________

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      Which of the following statements regarding primary and secondary markets is FALSE() A: Secondary market transactions occur between two investors and do not involve the firm that originally issued the security. B: New issues of government securities can be sold on the primary market. C: Prevailing market prices are determined by primary market transactions and are used in pricing new issues.

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      The market in which securities are initially sold to the general public is the secondary market.

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      A ‘primary market' is a market: () A: only for equity issues by major or ‘primary' companies. B: where borrowers sell new financial instruments to buyers. C: where savers sell new financial claims to borrowers. D: where government securities are bought and sold.