• 2022-06-06
    Watch the video "I'm a ___________ and can't stop __________" (视频名称)
  • shopaholic; Shopaholic# spending; Spending


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      –- May I watch TV now?–-No, you ________. A: needn't B: may not C: can't

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      I’m leaving, and don’t try to stop me _____going.

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      [听力原文]M: Can you please tell me the timeW: No, I am sorry, but I don’t have a watch. Why can’ t the woman give the time() A: She can’t read. B: Her watch doesn’t work. C: She has no watch. D: She is busy.

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      —I don’t think I can walk any further. —_____, Let’s stop here for a rest.

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      If the date you two talk about doesn't work for you, you can use the following phrases: ( ). A: I'm sorry, I can't on Tuesday. B: I won't be able to meet on Wednesday. C: I'm afraid I can't on Monday. D: I really don't think I can on Thursday.