• 2022-06-06
    In the Song Dynasty, cuju flourished due to social and economic development, extending its popularity to every class in society. ( )
  • 内容

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      Crusoe’s experiences show the development of the human history from primitive society, feudal society to the _____ society.

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      Of the following sports, which one is very popular in the Song dynasty? A: chuiwan B: wrestling C: equestrian polo D: cuju

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      民族地区的经济社会获得不断的发展。 A: The minority concentrated regions have witnessed continued economic and social development. B: The economy and society of the ethic minority areas have been developed continuously. C: The economic and social ethic minority areas have been developed continuously. D: Continued economic and social development has been achieved in the minority concentrated regions.

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      MICE in China is declining due to its slower economic growth. ( )

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      In the Song dynasty, _____,was so popular that everyone from the emperor to ordinary people participated in it. A: equestrian polo B: chess playing C: chuiwan D: cuju