• 2022-06-06
    You need a password to get _________ to the computer system. ()
    A: assess
    B: access
    C: accessible
    D: excess
  • B


    • 0

      You need a password to () in.

    • 1

      ____any wireless service, you need three things to get access: a network, a device for connecting and a service plan.

    • 2

      ______ access to the computer system should be prevented. A: Unequal B: Unfortunate C: Uniform D: Unauthorized

    • 3

      The main difference between fuzzy control system and common computer digital control system is that fuzzy controller is used in the fuzzy control system.

    • 4

      You can haveto them via the public library. A: access B: accessed C: accession D: accessible