( )
A: a
party anything else that people do to honor a special event.
B: a
piece of metal money that is small, flat, and round.
C: the
food baked in such a dish.
D: in
or to every part of something or during every part of something.
( )
A: a
party anything else that people do to honor a special event.
B: a
piece of metal money that is small, flat, and round.
C: the
food baked in such a dish.
D: in
or to every part of something or during every part of something.
- bake<br/>( ) A: to<br/>cook in an oven using dry heat. B: to<br/>honor something or make it special by giving gifts or doing things<br/>that people enjoy. C: a<br/>dish, often deep and covered, in which food can be __________ and<br/>served. D: in<br/>the inner part of; within.
- consumption<br/>____? A: n.<br/>the quality of having trust in people, plans, or the future 信任 B: n.<br/>the act of using, eating, or drinking 消费 C: n.<br/>something that blocks so that movement or action is prevented or made<br/>more difficult 障碍;妨碍 D: n.<br/>a small piece or a part, especially when broken from something whole碎片
- situation<br/>() A: a<br/>large piece of cloth used to cover a bed. B: all<br/>of the things that exist and that are happening at a particular time<br/>and place. C: each<br/>and every person; everybody. D: to<br/>put someone or something in danger.
- cover ( ) A: to intend to<br/>express. B: a particular day<br/>or point in time. C: something laid<br/>over or on something else to shelter, protect, or hide. D: having no money<br/>to spend or to live on.
- success<br/>() A: each<br/>and every person; everybody. B: a<br/>flat part of a plant or tree that grows from the stem or branch. A<br/>__________ is usually green. C: the<br/>study of the way the words of a language are put together and used<br/>for communication. D: a<br/>thing or person that does well.