• 2022-06-19
    What is the purpose of the woman’s talk What can a listener expect to learn from the talk
    A: How to get along better with people by improving listening skills.
    B: How to be more active in talking with other people.
    C: How to understand a foreign language.
  • A


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      The author’s purpose in writing this passage is to tell ______. A: readers how to be popular with around B: teenagers how to learn to decide things for themselves C: parents how to control and guide their children D: people how to understand and respect each other

    • 1

      What is the purpose of the woman’s talk Who are probably the listeners A: School children. B: Foreign students. C: Business people.

    • 2

      Can you give us some tips on how to get along well with other people?

    • 3

      Translate the following sentences into Chinese.1) What's more, we have to learn how to get along with our classmates and roommates.

    • 4

      What do young people learn from their role models? They learn everything from how they spend their_______ to how they react toward others.