• 2022-06-19
    The teacher should tell the students to use the reading strategy of ______ to read to locate specific information in the text.
    A: predicting
    B: scanning
    C: skimming
    D: setting the scene
  • B


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      Which of the following is not true about scanning? ( ) A: Scanning refers to the ability to locate specific information or facts as quickly as possible without reading the whole text. B: Scanning also means getting the general understanding of the text you are working with. C: Usually, when you scan for information, you know what you are looking for. D: The most familiar way of scanning you may have experienced is searching for names in a phone directory, or looking up words in a dictionary.

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      ‎‏What is the listening skill which is to listen for the important details you need called? ‏‎ ‏ A: Listening for specific information B: skimming C: scanning D: fast reading

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      Skimming is to get the main idea of the text while scanning is to find a specific piece of information.

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      What is the purpose of scanning?( ) A: To get students familiarized with the cultural and social background. B: To locate specific information. C: To make a prediction. D: To read quickly to get the gist.

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      Before listening, it's important to prepare students for listening. What activities can we use in pre-listening stage? A: Predicting B: Note-taking C: Setting the scene D: Inferring