• 2022-06-19
    6 By the time she 1)____ in 1952, Roosevelt had become the 2)____. On a trip to India that same year she was greeted by throngsofadmirersand introduced to the Indian ParliamentbyPandit Nehruas "3)____". As she traveled around the cities and4)____of that country she often spoke with young women about the challenges they faced. "If a man fails it would simply be said, 'It's so bad that so-and-so failed.' But if a woman fails they will say, '5)____.' Women have to 6)____. " Anna Eleanor Roosevelt 7)____, she 8)____ resigned from her UN post "First Lady of the World" a representative ofresurgenthumanity slums So you see, a woman is incapable of holding jobs run on aparwith men never ran on a par set the pace. 6 1952年,当她从联合国代表的位置上卸任时,罗斯福夫人已经是“世界第一夫人”了。同年,去印度访问时,她受到了大批崇拜者的欢迎,潘迪特•尼赫鲁向议会介绍她时,说她是“重获新生的人性的杰出代表”。她去了印度的各大城市,造访了贫民窟,期间她经常和年轻妇女们探讨女性所面临的挑战。她说:“如果一个男人失败了,人们只会说:‘某某失败了,真是令人遗憾。’ 但是如果一个女人失败了,他们会说:‘你看,女人就是干不成什么事。’ 女人不应该比男人逊色。”安娜•埃莉诺•罗斯福从来不满足于同男人并驾齐驱,她要当那个领跑的人。
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