6 By the time she 1)____ in 1952, Roosevelt had become the 2)____. On a trip to India that same year she was greeted by throngsofadmirersand introduced to the Indian ParliamentbyPandit Nehruas "3)____". As she traveled around the cities and4)____of that country she often spoke with young women about the challenges they faced. "If a man fails it would simply be said, 'It's so bad that so-and-so failed.' But if a woman fails they will say, '5)____.' Women have to 6)____. " Anna Eleanor Roosevelt 7)____, she 8)____ resigned from her UN post "First Lady of the World" a representative ofresurgenthumanity slums So you see, a woman is incapable of holding jobs run on aparwith men never ran on a par set the pace. 6 1952年,当她从联合国代表的位置上卸任时,罗斯福夫人已经是“世界第一夫人”了。同年,去印度访问时,她受到了大批崇拜者的欢迎,潘迪特•尼赫鲁向议会介绍她时,说她是“重获新生的人性的杰出代表”。她去了印度的各大城市,造访了贫民窟,期间她经常和年轻妇女们探讨女性所面临的挑战。她说:“如果一个男人失败了,人们只会说:‘某某失败了,真是令人遗憾。’ 但是如果一个女人失败了,他们会说:‘你看,女人就是干不成什么事。’ 女人不应该比男人逊色。”安娜•埃莉诺•罗斯福从来不满足于同男人并驾齐驱,她要当那个领跑的人。
- 2 As a young woman Roosevelt did 1)____ for organizations like the Red Cross and the Junior League of NY –a high-society lady 2)____ But she was still just a woman at a time and 3)____When asked in 1911 if she was for a woman's right to vote, she responded: "If my husband [then a NY State Senator] is 4)____, I probably must be too." AsFranklin Delano Roosevelt's political career grew, however, 5)____women's issues, labor issues, youth and 6)____ By the time she and FDR moved to the White House in 1932, Eleanor was 7)____ volunteer work with a big heart. in a country dominatedby men. a suffragist so too did her concern for civil rights issues. coming into her own. 2 年轻的时候,罗斯福夫人就为红十字会和纽约青少年联盟等组织做志愿者——她出身上流社会,心地善良。但是在当时那个以男性为主导的时代和国家里,她也仅仅是一个女人。1911年,当被问到她是否支持给予妇女选举权时,她回答说:“如果我丈夫(当时还是纽约州的一名参议员)是妇女选举权的支持者,那我也许必须支持给予妇女选举权。”但是随着富兰克林•德拉诺•罗斯福的仕途越来越顺利,她也越来越关注妇女问题、劳工问题、青年人问题和公民权利问题。1932年,她和罗斯福入主白宫后,埃莉诺开始大显身手了。
- 4Her role as First Lady,heroicthough it was, was only training. She had used her White House seat to lobbybut the power was 1)____. Besides, as Perkins once said, "She said things that made people angry." With her husband's death in 1945, Roosevelt seemed ready to return to a private life. 2)____ she told the press. Later that year PresidentTrumanasked Eleanor to 3)____She accepted the charge, moved on, and would change forever(有凯撒“I came, I saw, I conquer“ 的节奏)4)____ "Most people who have played second violin all their lives never have an opportunity to 5)____ remarked Perkins. "Mrs Roosevelt had the chance to, and she 6)____ still reserved for the man of the House "The story is over," serve as a USdelegateto the United Nations. the role of women in American society and around the world. play first violin," plays withgenius." 请注意标点符号。 4 第一夫人的角色,无论多么英勇,对她来说只能算是小试身手。虽然她曾经凭借她在白宫的地位去四处游说,但是掌握大权的毕竟还是总统。此外,正如珀金斯说过的那样,“她也说了一些得罪人的话。”1945年,她丈夫去世之后,罗斯福夫人似乎已经准备要退隐,离开公众的视野。她对媒体说:“一切都结束了。”但那年的晚些时候,杜鲁门总统邀请埃莉诺出任美国驻联合国代表。她接受了使命,继续努力工作,并且永远改变了女性在美国和全世界所扮演的角色。“绝大多数一辈子当副手的人从来没有机会当一把手,”珀金斯说,“罗斯福夫人有机会当一把手,而且表现得极为出色。” 作为女性,我是欣赏她的;不知道男性什么态度。
- Until she spoke I hadn't realized she was foreign. A: 她说话了我才意识到她从国外来。 B: 直到她说话,我也不知道她是外国人。 C: 她要不说话,我还一直不知道她是外国人。 D: 她说话了,我才意识到她是外国人。
- 【单选题】Whatdoes she like? A. 她是个什么样的人? B. 她喜欢什么? C. 她像什么?
- 2. ______ she bought so many dictionaries is not clear.= It is not clear _____ she bought so many dictionaries. 不清楚她为什么买这么多字典。