• 2022-06-19
    4Her role as First Lady,heroicthough it was, was only training. She had used her White House seat to lobbybut the power was 1)____. Besides, as Perkins once said, "She said things that made people angry." With her husband's death in 1945, Roosevelt seemed ready to return to a private life. 2)____ she told the press. Later that year PresidentTrumanasked Eleanor to 3)____She accepted the charge, moved on, and would change forever(有凯撒“I came, I saw, I conquer“ 的节奏)4)____ "Most people who have played second violin all their lives never have an opportunity to 5)____ remarked Perkins. "Mrs Roosevelt had the chance to, and she 6)____ still reserved for the man of the House "The story is over," serve as a USdelegateto the United Nations. the role of women in American society and around the world. play first violin," plays withgenius." 请注意标点符号。 4 第一夫人的角色,无论多么英勇,对她来说只能算是小试身手。虽然她曾经凭借她在白宫的地位去四处游说,但是掌握大权的毕竟还是总统。此外,正如珀金斯说过的那样,“她也说了一些得罪人的话。”1945年,她丈夫去世之后,罗斯福夫人似乎已经准备要退隐,离开公众的视野。她对媒体说:“一切都结束了。”但那年的晚些时候,杜鲁门总统邀请埃莉诺出任美国驻联合国代表。她接受了使命,继续努力工作,并且永远改变了女性在美国和全世界所扮演的角色。“绝大多数一辈子当副手的人从来没有机会当一把手,”珀金斯说,“罗斯福夫人有机会当一把手,而且表现得极为出色。” 作为女性,我是欣赏她的;不知道男性什么态度。
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