The Vega and Altair, together with five major stars, Mercury, Mars, Jupiter, Venus, and Saturn, are called the Seven Luminaries.
- Which of the following stars does not belong to the Seven Luminaries? A: Mercury B: Mars C: Jupiter D: Vega
- Which planet is the closest planet to the sun, Mercury, Mars, Venus or Jupiter
- The Cowherd and their two children stayed on the star _____. A: Altair B: Vega C: Mercury D: Mars
- The Cowherd and their two children stayed on the star _____. A: Altair B: Vega C: Mercury D: Mars
- 定义行星枚举类型,枚举常量从1开始编号,请填写下面的空格(不要添加多余的空格) enum Planet{Mercury= , Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune}