• 2022-05-31 问题

    Altair is found in what constellation?() A: Hercules B: Cygnus C: Aquila D: Capricor

    Altair is found in what constellation?() A: Hercules B: Cygnus C: Aquila D: Capricor

  • 2022-06-04 问题

    ‍The Cowherd and their two children stayed on the star _____.‏ A: Altair B: Vega C: Mercury D: Mars

    ‍The Cowherd and their two children stayed on the star _____.‏ A: Altair B: Vega C: Mercury D: Mars

  • 2022-06-04 问题

    The Cowherd and their two children stayed on the star _____. A: Altair B: Vega C: Mercury D: Mars

    The Cowherd and their two children stayed on the star _____. A: Altair B: Vega C: Mercury D: Mars

  • 2022-06-04 问题

    ‌The Cowherd and their two children stayed on the star _____.‏ A: Altair B: Vega C: Mercury D: Mars

    ‌The Cowherd and their two children stayed on the star _____.‏ A: Altair B: Vega C: Mercury D: Mars

  • 2022-05-27 问题

    以下属于微型计算机的是()。 A: Altair B: CDC6600 C: AppleⅡ D: MA,Cintosh

    以下属于微型计算机的是()。 A: Altair B: CDC6600 C: AppleⅡ D: MA,Cintosh

  • 2022-06-17 问题

    The Vega and Altair, together with five major stars, Mercury, Mars, Jupiter, Venus, and Saturn, are called the Seven Luminaries.

    The Vega and Altair, together with five major stars, Mercury, Mars, Jupiter, Venus, and Saturn, are called the Seven Luminaries.

  • 2022-06-17 问题

    ​The Vega and Altair, together with five major stars, Mercury, Mars, Jupiter, Venus, and Saturn, are called the Seven Luminaries.​

    ​The Vega and Altair, together with five major stars, Mercury, Mars, Jupiter, Venus, and Saturn, are called the Seven Luminaries.​

  • 2022-05-27 问题

    苹果公司的数字产品有()。 A: Altair B: iMA,C和MA,CBookPro C: iPod D: iPA,D

    苹果公司的数字产品有()。 A: Altair B: iMA,C和MA,CBookPro C: iPod D: iPA,D

  • 2022-07-24 问题

    以下哪一个成为了个人电脑时代的PC标准? A: WintelPC B: DOSPC C: MITSPC D: Altair E: AppleII

    以下哪一个成为了个人电脑时代的PC标准? A: WintelPC B: DOSPC C: MITSPC D: Altair E: AppleII

  • 2022-05-26 问题

    关于计算机芯片的描述中,正确的是()。 A: 最早的微机Altair使用Motorola 6800芯片 B: IBM-PC早期使用Intel 8088芯片 C: 红极一时的AppleⅡ使用Z-80;芯片 D: 经典奔腾按照顺序应该叫80686芯片

    关于计算机芯片的描述中,正确的是()。 A: 最早的微机Altair使用Motorola 6800芯片 B: IBM-PC早期使用Intel 8088芯片 C: 红极一时的AppleⅡ使用Z-80;芯片 D: 经典奔腾按照顺序应该叫80686芯片

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