• 2022-06-17
    How was Mr. Holland’s teaching the first day in school?( )
    A: He was very satisfied with the performance of the students.
    B: He felt frustrated by the bad performance of the students.
    C: It was very successful.
    D: Students liked him very much.
  • B


    • 0

      How many students are there in Mr. Lebeau’s classes?() A: 30 to 40 students. B: 40 to 50 students. C: 40 to 60 students. D: 30 to 50 students.

    • 1

      How does the man feel about Mr. Smith’ s class A: He loves it very much. B: He doesn’ t like it. C: He thinks it is very difficult.

    • 2

      Chinese students enjoy their life in the U.S. very much.

    • 3

      During his 30 years teaching career, Mr. Holland has cultivated many outstanding students, and he has a profound influence on their lives. In the following statements about Mr. Holland and his students, which one is not true?

    • 4

      The students did well, ________ they didn't study very much.