• 2022-06-16
    选择划线部分的翻译方法: 原文:The nearest village was only three days away in good weather. 译文:如果天气好的话,到邻村有三天时间就够了。
  • 分句法


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      Which of the following statements is TRUE() A: If clouds are high, there will be bad weather. B: The color of clouds is a factor to help predict the weather. C: If the weather is good, the clouds must be very low. D: To study clouds is the only way to understand the weather.

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      选择划线部分的翻译方法: 原文:Nations have utilized different economic resources; people have developed different skills. 译文:不同的国家使用不同的经济来源,不同的人拥有不同的技能。

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      -Good news. We will have a__holiday.-I've heard of it. But it's coming in____. A: three days; three days'time B: three days'; three days' C: three-day; three days D: three days; three-day time

    • 3

      选择最佳译文: 原文:最近天气暖和了,有不少人想趁周末出去走走。

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      如果天气允许,我们将到城郊去远足旅行。译文:_____________________, we will go for an outing in the suburbs of the city. A: Weather permitting B: Permitting weather C: Weather permitted D: Permitted weather