• 2022-06-07
    About Chou character in Beijing Opera, which of the following
    statement is incorrect?_______
    A: Chou usually is the last to go on the stage during a performance.
    B: The chou
    actors usually wear a patch of white around their eyes
    C: They can be all kinds of people
    D: Chou
    can also be divided into wenchou
    and wuchou.
  • A


    • 0

      What are the major roles in Beijing Opera today? ( )。 A: Jing (male with a painted face) B: Dan (female) C: Sheng (male) D: Chou (clown)

    • 1

      The four characters of Peking Opera are _______ A: Sheng B: Dan C: Jing D: Mo E: Chou

    • 2

      ___________ is a general term for female characters in Beijing Opera. A: Sheng B: Dan C: Jing D: Chou

    • 3

      Regarding the magnetism of the complex, the following statement is<br/>incorrect: ( ). A: The magnetism of complexes is one of the important properties of<br/>complexes B: If all substances are placed separately in a magnetic field, they can<br/>be divided into two groups according to their influence by the<br/>magnetic field: diamagnetic, paramagnetic, and ferromagnetic C: Ferromagnetism is a substance, which is strongly attracted by a<br/>magnetic field D: Most of substances are paramagnetic

    • 4

      Which<br/>of the following usually do not have hepatomegaly( ) A: Early<br/>stage of liver cirrhosis B: Ultimate<br/>stage of liver cirrhosis C: Liver<br/>cancer D: Fatty<br/>liver E: Alcoholic<br/>liver disease.