• 2022-06-07
    Which of the following processes would you classify as chemical reactions?
    A: The burning of paper
    B: The formation of rust on iron
    C: The boiling of water
    D: The preparation of sugar syrup by adding sugar to hot water
    E: The manufacture of salt by evaporation of sea water
  • A,B


    • 0

      Evaporation from sea water is about 5% less than from fresh water, ______(当其他所有条件都相同时).

    • 1

      The major osmoregulatory problems of saltwater fishes are ( ). A: water gain and salt loss B: water loss and salt gain C: water gain and salt gain D: water loss and salt loss E: nonexistent because freshwater fishes are isosmotic to their environment

    • 2

      选择最佳答案:开水--- A: boiling water B: boil water

    • 3

      boiling water

    • 4

      Water of body are from( )。 A: the liquids we drink B: evaporation of water from the skin C: the foods we eat D: respiration of water vapor from the lungs E: recycled water in our bodies