• 2022-06-07
    Which of the
    following is a limitation of the dividend-discount model?
    A: It cannot handle negative growth rates.
    B: It requires accurate dividend forecasts, which is not possible.
    C: It requires that the growth rate always be higher than the
    required rate of return, which is not realist
    D: It does not consider past earnings and performance.
  • B,B


    • 0

      Countries with higher saving rates may have higher equilibrium growth rates since A: people who save more also are more industrious B: higher income allows for more savings C: a higher saving rate allows for more investment in human capital which ultimately enhances economic growth D: having more capital equipment is more important than having better capital equipment E: none of the above

    • 1

      A monthly interest rate expressed as an annual rate would be an example of which one of the following rates?

    • 2

      The neoclassical growth model predicts conditional convergence for countries with the same population growth, level of technology, and A: a higher savings rate B: a lower savings rate C: the same savings rate D: all of the above E: none of the above

    • 3

      Which of the following are true of the yield on a discount basis as a measure of the interest rate?

    • 4

      The country has witnessed a _____ economic growth, which is thought to be the first growth rate around the world. A: phenomenon B: phenomenal C: phenomena D: phenomenally