• 2022-06-09
    If the DNA strand shown below is used as a template for RNA polymerase, what would be the sequence of the resultant mRNA following transcription? 5'-CATTCCATAGCATGT-3'
  • D


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      在DNA合成过程中,新合成DNA链的延长方向;在RNA合成过程中,RNA聚合酶沿DNA模板链的移动方向分别是() A: 5′→3′,5′→3′ B: 5′→3′,3′→5′ C: 3′→5′,3′→5′ D: 3′→5′,5′→3′

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      Which of the following descriptions about DNA and RNA polymerase are correct: A: RNA polymerase synthesize RNA chain using nucleoside diphosphate instead of nucleoside triphosphates. B: RNA polymerase can initiate transcription without a primer, and nucleotides are added to 5’ end of the growing RNA chain. C: RNA polymerase can add nucleotides in both 3’ or 5’ end of RNA chain. D: Both RNA polymerase and DNA polymerase can only add nucleotides to 3’ end of the polynucleotides.

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      mRNA合成和DNA复制时,多核苷酸链延伸的方向是 A: 均为3'→5' B: 3'→5'和5'→3' C: 均为5'→3' D: 5'→3'和3'→5' E: 既有3'→5',又有5'→3'

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      Reverse transcriptase A: has 5ˊ → 3ˊ polymerase activity B: has 3ˊ → 5ˊ exonuclease activity C: is an RNA-dependent DNA polymerase D: is a DNA-dependent DNA polymerase

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      In the following descriptions of DNA polymerase and RNA polymerase, the error is: ( ) A: RNA polymerase requires primers B: DNA polymerase can synthesize DNA using RNA as a template C: The extension direction of the new chain catalyzed by both enzymes is 5'-3'. D: RNA polymerase uses NDP as raw material.