• 2022-06-07
    A long sentence can be understood quickly by ________.
    A: translating it into Chinese
    B: identifying the main clause and the relatives
    C: identifying the whole structure of it
    D: translating the predicate into Chinese
  • B


    • 0

      Complete the following sentences by translating the Chinese into

    • 1

      Complete the following sentences by translating the Chinese in brackets into English.

    • 2

      Translating Chinese poems into English poses no challenges for the westerners.

    • 3

      中国大学MOOC: When translating long English sentences into Chinese, translators should try to cut the source sentences into shorter segments and express the original meaning by employing paratactic Chinese structures.

    • 4

      Which of the following is NOT redundant when translating English into Chinese? </p> </p>