• 2022-06-06
    There are the complications resulting from peptic ulcers except for( )()
    A: ulcer bleeding
    B: constipation
    C: ulcer perforation
    D: gastric obstruction
  • B


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      ‏What type of bleeding will a patient with peptic ulcer disease with a slow upper GI source of ​‏bleeding have? ​‏​‏​‏​‏​‏​ A: a. Melena B: b. Occult blood C: c. Coffee-ground emesis D: d. Profuse bright-red hematemesis

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      “necklace<br/>sign” can be seen in____ A: the<br/>gastric carcinoma; B: the<br/>gastric ulcer; C: duodenum<br/>ulcer D: esophagus<br/>carcinoma; E: rectal<br/>carcinoma

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      Which of the following is a special patient from the perspective of age? A: Patients with hypertension B: Elderly patients C: Patients with gastric ulcer D: Male patients

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      Which of the following statements regarding peptic ulcers is CORRECT: A: In the stomach, they are usually in the antrum. B: In the duodenum, they are usually periampullary. C: Gastric ulcers are associated with increased gastric acid production. D: Benign ulcers can be reliably distinguished by their smaller size. E: Duodenal ulcers are prone to malignant transformation.

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      A<br/>70-year-old male patient was diagnosed with hemiplegia and coma and<br/>subsequently developed hematemesis. Black stools were most likely<br/>caused by: A: Gastric<br/>ulcer B: duodenal bulb ulcer C: Gastric cancer D: Cirrhosis esophagus gastric fundus varicose rupture hemorrhage E: Acute<br/>erosive gastritis