• 2022-06-06
    what are the tips given in the video to produce a good definition?
    A: Do not define a word by mere repetition or merely restating the word.
    B: Define a word in simple and familiar terms.
    C: Keep the class portion of your definition small but adequate.
    D: Avoid adding personal details to definitions.
  • A,B,C,D


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      中国大学MOOC: According to the video on ‘calorie’, which of the definition is the best to define calorie.

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      Definition of an abbreviation: ______ of a word or term

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      6. We all think that knowledge, patience and responsibility ____ a good educator. A: definition B: repulsion C: define D: determine

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      31. Not every word in one language has an equivalent in another. What is the definition of equivalent? A: the same word B: similar thing C: something different D: a word with the same meaning in another language

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      Please define the word "carousel".