• 2022-06-03
    What is the WHO _____ of health?
    A: defining
    B: define
    C: defination
    D: definition
  • D


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      In the past, what could people who had mental health problems do?

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      Accordong to WHO, what does health care contains? A: Treatment research and development B: All the goods and services designed to promote health C: Prevention, treatment of illness D: Palliative interventation

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      Health is a cultural concept that is defined differently in different cultures. The prevailing definition of health has evolved from the “absence of illness” to the broader term, wellness, with its definition as “a life-

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      Perhaps that is the ______ of life—not just for artists but for all of us. A: definite B: define C: definition D: mean

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      ( ) has happened and ( ) did it ? A: Who, who B: What, who C: What,what D: Who,what