So we looked last time at the oddity, the ______ , of Milton's choice of genre here, the pastoral genre.
A: peculiarity
B: particular
C: prosperity
D: perpetual
A: peculiarity
B: particular
C: prosperity
D: perpetual
- Match genre and features(副本) Match the main features to the proper genre.
- John Milton's Essays is the first example of that genre in English literature, which has been highly esteemed.
- ____ Essays is the first example of that genre in English literature. A: John Milton’s B: Thomas Gray’s C: John Bunyan’s D: Francis Bacon’s
- “My Last Duchess” belongs to the genre of ____.
- Which of the following is not a genre of unmanned retail: A: Internet genre B: Internet of things genre C: Information technology genre D: Artificial intelligence genre
- 0
The genre with QR code recognition as the main technology in unmanned retail is: A: Internet genre B: Internet of things genre C: Artificial intelligence genre D: Information technology genre
- 1
____Essays is the first example of that genre in English literature, which has been recognized as an important landmark in the development of English prose. A: John Milton’s B: Francis Bacon’s C: Montaigne’s D: Thomas Gray’s
- 2
“My Last Duchess” belongs to the genre of ____. A: dramatic monologue B: epic poetry C: lyric poetry
- 3
What’s the genre of Text A? A: Narrative B: Expository C: argumentative D: practical
- 4
What's the genre of this text? A: Exposition B: Arguentation C: Narration D: Description