Mr. Chairman, it is with great pleasure that I am here to attend this annual meeting.可译为:a.主席先生,我怀着非常愉快的心情出席本次年会。b.主席先生,我将怀着非常愉快的心情出席本次年会。(填a或b即可)
- 我非常荣幸地为你介绍史密斯先生。 A: It’s with great pleasure that I introduce Mr. Smith to you. B: It’s with great pleasure to let you introduce Mr. Smith. C: It’s with goodness that I introduce Mr. Smith to you. D: It’s with great pleasure that I introduce Ms. Smith to you.
- 流畅体验令人心情非常愉快,属于外在的奖赏。()
- 我心情很愉快,我觉得我很健康,所以我不需要心理咨询
- 根据视频5.3学习的内容翻译下列句子:The Chairman and Mrs.peng came here to attend meeting. A: 主席和彭夫人来参加会议。 B: 习主席携夫人来参加会议。
- 我代表主席先生,对与会的各位代表和来宾表示热烈的欢迎的正确译法是______( ) A: Representing Mr. Chairman, I would like to express warm welcome to all guests and representatives here. B: On behalf of Mr. Chairman, I would like to extend warm welcome to all delegates and guests here.