Setting the scene is similar to the concept of skimming a passage in reading.
- Listening for the gist is similar to the concept of skimming a passage in reading. The key is to ask students one or two questions that focus on the main idea or the tone or mood of the whole passage.
- The teacher should tell the students to use the reading strategy of ______ to read to locate specific information in the text. A: predicting B: scanning C: skimming D: setting the scene
- Skimming is not a lazy way out or a half-hearted attempt at reading.
- Read the passage and find out:setting the scene, rising action, climax, falling action, resolutionYou can add some related information if needed.
- Skimming and scanning are very ______reading methods in which you glance at a passage to find specific information. A: rapid B: useless C: slow D: interesting
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Skimming is reading quickly in order to find specific information.
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中国大学MOOC: Chomskys concept of linguistic performance is similar to Saussures concept of .
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Skimming means reading quickly to get the main idea of the text.
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In skimming, the reader should slectively omit parts of the reading material.
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6. Which of the following statement is false? A: A. Within a bottom-up approach to reading, the most typical classroom focus is on what we call extensive reading. B: B. Extensive reading is a reading strategy corresponding to top-down models. C: C. An interactive approach to reading includes aspects of both intensive and extensive reading. D: D. Extensive reading is contrasted with intensive reading.