• 2022-06-09 问题

    ______playonthethinice,butyou______playunderthetree. A: Can’t,can B: Don’t,can’t C: Don’t,can

    ______playonthethinice,butyou______playunderthetree. A: Can’t,can B: Don’t,can’t C: Don’t,can

  • 2022-06-06 问题

    He said, " This is a bad night for car trouble, butyou're all setnow,"

    He said, " This is a bad night for car trouble, butyou're all setnow,"

  • 2022-06-09 问题

    —MarkspeaksEnglishwell,butyou??____________him. A: speakasbadlyas B: speakworsethan C: don’tspeaksobadlyas D: speakmuchbetterthan

    —MarkspeaksEnglishwell,butyou??____________him. A: speakasbadlyas B: speakworsethan C: don’tspeaksobadlyas D: speakmuchbetterthan

  • 2021-04-14 问题

    【简答题】You have made goodprogress in teaching and researching butyou should not get conceited and arrogant .

    【简答题】You have made goodprogress in teaching and researching butyou should not get conceited and arrogant .

  • 2022-06-09 问题

    —Whatanicecoat!I’lltakeit.<br/>—Butyou’dbetter______first.I’mafraiditmaybesmallforyou. A: tryiton B: payforit C: putiton

    —Whatanicecoat!I’lltakeit.<br/>—Butyou’dbetter______first.I’mafraiditmaybesmallforyou. A: tryiton B: payforit C: putiton

  • 2022-06-09 问题

    Mum:Butyou'vegottodoyourhomeworkfirst.<br/>Jim: A: Ihaven&#39;tgotany. B: Ihaven&#39;tgotone. C: Ihaven&#39;tgotthem.

    Mum:Butyou'vegottodoyourhomeworkfirst.<br/>Jim: A: Ihaven&#39;tgotany. B: Ihaven&#39;tgotone. C: Ihaven&#39;tgotthem.

  • 2022-06-09 问题

    —Doyoumindmyusingyourbike?<br/>—______.Butyou'dbetterreturnitinthreehours. A: Yes,please B: Nevermind C: No,Idon&#39;t D: Yes,Ido

    —Doyoumindmyusingyourbike?<br/>—______.Butyou'dbetterreturnitinthreehours. A: Yes,please B: Nevermind C: No,Idon&#39;t D: Yes,Ido

  • 2022-06-06 问题

    “Butyou’llbeabletocome,won’tyou?”“Yes,Ithink<spanstyle="text-decoration:underline">such</span>.” A: that B: it C: so D: this

    “Butyou’llbeabletocome,won’tyou?”“Yes,Ithink<spanstyle="text-decoration:underline">such</span>.” A: that B: it C: so D: this

  • 2022-06-09 问题

    You can lead a horseto water, butyou can't make him drink.学生进师门、修行在师傅。

    You can lead a horseto water, butyou can't make him drink.学生进师门、修行在师傅。

  • 2022-06-09 问题

    Of course, you need to be knowledgeable in your field, butyou also need the style and grace to see you through these events. 句子“see you through”的意思是()。 A: 从容不迫 B: 顺利应付 C: 成功应答 D: 通过

    Of course, you need to be knowledgeable in your field, butyou also need the style and grace to see you through these events. 句子“see you through”的意思是()。 A: 从容不迫 B: 顺利应付 C: 成功应答 D: 通过

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