The French like borrowing foreign words because they think it enriches their language.
The French like borrowing foreign words because they think it enriches their language.
It is a well-known fact that cat family _____lions and tigers. A: enriches B: accommodates C: adopts D: embraces
It is a well-known fact that cat family _____lions and tigers. A: enriches B: accommodates C: adopts D: embraces
It is well-known fact that the cat family ______ lions and tigers. A: enriches B: accommodates C: adopts D: embraces
It is well-known fact that the cat family ______ lions and tigers. A: enriches B: accommodates C: adopts D: embraces
Learning a second language, therefore, not only challenges your mind, but also enriches your soul, so to speak.
Learning a second language, therefore, not only challenges your mind, but also enriches your soul, so to speak.
From the last paragraph, we can learn _____. A: globalization enriches our culture B: progressives stop the engine of creativity C: people often force others to accept their culture D: conservatives welcome the spread of their culture
From the last paragraph, we can learn _____. A: globalization enriches our culture B: progressives stop the engine of creativity C: people often force others to accept their culture D: conservatives welcome the spread of their culture
Listening 4: Q8 A: They are reluctant to give up their personal in formation. B: They don't know their personal data enriches Facebook C: They don' t identify themselves when using the website. D: They care very little about their personal information.
Listening 4: Q8 A: They are reluctant to give up their personal in formation. B: They don't know their personal data enriches Facebook C: They don' t identify themselves when using the website. D: They care very little about their personal information.
1. Which of the following is NOT true about Mei Lanfang? A: A. He wrote some plays for Peking Opera. B: B. He created various dances. C: C. He composed many new melodies. D: D. He enriches Peking Opera by introducing erhu
1. Which of the following is NOT true about Mei Lanfang? A: A. He wrote some plays for Peking Opera. B: B. He created various dances. C: C. He composed many new melodies. D: D. He enriches Peking Opera by introducing erhu
中国大学MOOC: In Something Not Food, Laura said, “That would be an attention grabber.” “Grabber” has the focus on its action insteadof on its noun property. It means “That would grab someone’s attention.” The use of action nouns enriches the variety. Please choose the best version in the following sentences.
中国大学MOOC: In Something Not Food, Laura said, “That would be an attention grabber.” “Grabber” has the focus on its action insteadof on its noun property. It means “That would grab someone’s attention.” The use of action nouns enriches the variety. Please choose the best version in the following sentences.
If the speech “The benefits of reading” is organized in topical order, which of the following should NOT be included as one of the main points? A: Reading is an activity that involves not only intensive reading but also extensive reading. B: Reading enriches our life experience. C: Reading helps us form a larger framework of knowledge. D: none of the above
If the speech “The benefits of reading” is organized in topical order, which of the following should NOT be included as one of the main points? A: Reading is an activity that involves not only intensive reading but also extensive reading. B: Reading enriches our life experience. C: Reading helps us form a larger framework of knowledge. D: none of the above
Manysongs,poems,andbookhavebeenwrittenonlove'sstrongeffectonpeople.Thestateofbeinginlovehasevenbeencomparedtobeingsickor(1).AstudybyProfessorSemirZekiofUniversityCollegeLondonhasfoundthatlovedoes(2)people'sbrains--bymakingthemfeelgreat.Zekistudiedyoungmenandwomenwhohadrecentlyfalleninlove.Hefoundthat,whentheywerelookingaphotosoftheirlovedones,therewas()activityinfourareasoftheirbrains.Theseareasdealwithemotions,andoneofthem,inparticular,isknownto(4)todrugsthatcausefeelingsofeuphoria(5),thestudyalsofoundalackofactivityintwootherareasofthebrainwhenthevolunteerlookedattheirlovers'photographs.Oneoftheseareasislinkedtofeelingsofsadness,whiletheotherisoftenactiveinpeoplesufferingfromdepression.Itseemslovereallycanbe(6).Thestateofbeinginlove,accordingtosomescientists,mayactuallybegoodforyourhealth.Althoughscientistsknowthatbeinginlovecanmakeapersonfeelgreat,the(7)influenceofloveonaperson'shealthishardertodetermine.However,scientistssaythatpeopledoneedloveinordertolivehealthylives.AccordingtoDr.ThomasLewis,peopleneedtobein(8)becausethatishowwearedesigned.Hesaysthebraincanonlymaintainthe(9)stabilityofaperson'simmunesystem,bodilyrhythms,andheartifitreceivesinputfromoutsidethebodyintheformofemotionalconnectionswithothers.ProfessorAntonioDamasiohasasimilarview.Hesaysthatlove(10)aperson'simaginationandcreativity,andmakesaperson'sbodyworkbetter.Healsobelievesthatlovecanevenimprovethebody'sabilitytofightdisease.Damasio’swisewordsofadviceare:“Chooseloveandyouwilllonger.”() A: heightened B: enriches C: complete D: effect E: insane F: uplifting G: overall H: nourishes
Manysongs,poems,andbookhavebeenwrittenonlove'sstrongeffectonpeople.Thestateofbeinginlovehasevenbeencomparedtobeingsickor(1).AstudybyProfessorSemirZekiofUniversityCollegeLondonhasfoundthatlovedoes(2)people'sbrains--bymakingthemfeelgreat.Zekistudiedyoungmenandwomenwhohadrecentlyfalleninlove.Hefoundthat,whentheywerelookingaphotosoftheirlovedones,therewas()activityinfourareasoftheirbrains.Theseareasdealwithemotions,andoneofthem,inparticular,isknownto(4)todrugsthatcausefeelingsofeuphoria(5),thestudyalsofoundalackofactivityintwootherareasofthebrainwhenthevolunteerlookedattheirlovers'photographs.Oneoftheseareasislinkedtofeelingsofsadness,whiletheotherisoftenactiveinpeoplesufferingfromdepression.Itseemslovereallycanbe(6).Thestateofbeinginlove,accordingtosomescientists,mayactuallybegoodforyourhealth.Althoughscientistsknowthatbeinginlovecanmakeapersonfeelgreat,the(7)influenceofloveonaperson'shealthishardertodetermine.However,scientistssaythatpeopledoneedloveinordertolivehealthylives.AccordingtoDr.ThomasLewis,peopleneedtobein(8)becausethatishowwearedesigned.Hesaysthebraincanonlymaintainthe(9)stabilityofaperson'simmunesystem,bodilyrhythms,andheartifitreceivesinputfromoutsidethebodyintheformofemotionalconnectionswithothers.ProfessorAntonioDamasiohasasimilarview.Hesaysthatlove(10)aperson'simaginationandcreativity,andmakesaperson'sbodyworkbetter.Healsobelievesthatlovecanevenimprovethebody'sabilitytofightdisease.Damasio’swisewordsofadviceare:“Chooseloveandyouwilllonger.”() A: heightened B: enriches C: complete D: effect E: insane F: uplifting G: overall H: nourishes