• 2022-06-15 问题

    According to the passage, what is the effect of Jupiter's other large moons on Europa() A: They prevent Europa's subsurface waters from freezing B: They prevent tides that could damage Europa's surface C: They produce the very hard layer of ice that characterizes Europa D: They assure that the gravitational pull on Europa is maintained ar a steady level

    According to the passage, what is the effect of Jupiter's other large moons on Europa() A: They prevent Europa's subsurface waters from freezing B: They prevent tides that could damage Europa's surface C: They produce the very hard layer of ice that characterizes Europa D: They assure that the gravitational pull on Europa is maintained ar a steady level

  • 2022-06-15 问题

    (      ) carried Europa away in the form of a white bull.

    (      ) carried Europa away in the form of a white bull.

  • 2022-05-31 问题

    Who are the descendants of Io? ( )。 A: Europa B: Cadmus C: Hercules D: Perseus

    Who are the descendants of Io? ( )。 A: Europa B: Cadmus C: Hercules D: Perseus

  • 2022-05-29 问题

    ________ was turned into a bear by the jealousy Hera and finally was made into a constellation by Zeus. A: Io B: Callisto C: Semele D: Europa

    ________ was turned into a bear by the jealousy Hera and finally was made into a constellation by Zeus. A: Io B: Callisto C: Semele D: Europa

  • 2022-05-29 问题

    Hera arranged Argus Panoptes who had one hundred eyes to watch over Europa, one of Zeus’ lovers.

    Hera arranged Argus Panoptes who had one hundred eyes to watch over Europa, one of Zeus’ lovers.

  • 2022-05-29 问题

    ________, one of Zeus’ mortal lovers, wanted to see the true form of Zeus, but was stricken by the flame to death. A: Io B: Callisto C: Semele D: Europa

    ________, one of Zeus’ mortal lovers, wanted to see the true form of Zeus, but was stricken by the flame to death. A: Io B: Callisto C: Semele D: Europa

  • 2022-05-28 问题

    Which of the following mythological story is closely related to the Trojan War? ( ) A: Zeus and Io B: Zeus and Europa C: Zeus and Leda D: Zeus and Prometheus

    Which of the following mythological story is closely related to the Trojan War? ( ) A: Zeus and Io B: Zeus and Europa C: Zeus and Leda D: Zeus and Prometheus

  • 2021-07-16 问题



  • 2022-06-19 问题

    随着17世纪威尼斯人在整个欧洲的经商活动,喝咖啡变成了一种时尚.( ) A: Con los comercios de venecianos por toda Europa en el siglo XVII, el tomar café se convirtió en moda entre europeos. B: Con los comercios de venecianos por toda Europa en el siglo XVII, el tomar café llegó a estar de moda entre europeos. C: Con los comercios de venecianos por toda Europa en el siglo XVI, el tomar café llegó a estar de moda entre europeos.

    随着17世纪威尼斯人在整个欧洲的经商活动,喝咖啡变成了一种时尚.( ) A: Con los comercios de venecianos por toda Europa en el siglo XVII, el tomar café se convirtió en moda entre europeos. B: Con los comercios de venecianos por toda Europa en el siglo XVII, el tomar café llegó a estar de moda entre europeos. C: Con los comercios de venecianos por toda Europa en el siglo XVI, el tomar café llegó a estar de moda entre europeos.

  • 2022-06-11 问题

    ________ wird von der Schweiz, Österreich und Deutschland umschlossen und ist in Europa der drittgrößte Binnensee. A: Der Schluchsee B: Der Titisee C: Der Mummelsee D: Der Bodensee

    ________ wird von der Schweiz, Österreich und Deutschland umschlossen und ist in Europa der drittgrößte Binnensee. A: Der Schluchsee B: Der Titisee C: Der Mummelsee D: Der Bodensee

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