• 2022-06-12 问题

    以下是C++的不同数据类型值的比较语句,请问这些判断语句中作为条件部分的语句编写有问题的有()。 A: 如果变量bVar是布尔类型:if(false==bVar){doSomeThing();} B: 如果变量nVar是int型:if(0==nVar){doSomeThing();} C: 如果变量fVar为浮点型:if(0.02=fVar){doSomeThing();} D: 如果变量sVar为字符串型:if(""==sVar){doSomeThing();}

    以下是C++的不同数据类型值的比较语句,请问这些判断语句中作为条件部分的语句编写有问题的有()。 A: 如果变量bVar是布尔类型:if(false==bVar){doSomeThing();} B: 如果变量nVar是int型:if(0==nVar){doSomeThing();} C: 如果变量fVar为浮点型:if(0.02=fVar){doSomeThing();} D: 如果变量sVar为字符串型:if(""==sVar){doSomeThing();}

  • 2022-06-16 问题

    用以下语句定义了一个委托类型Dosomething: delegate void Dosomething() 则类someclass 中的下列哪些方法可以关联到该委托的实例?() 多项选择题( 3 分)

    用以下语句定义了一个委托类型Dosomething: delegate void Dosomething() 则类someclass 中的下列哪些方法可以关联到该委托的实例?() 多项选择题( 3 分)

  • 2021-04-14 问题

    事件的触发方式: addEventListenter(“click”, “doSomething”, “true”),其中,若第三参数为true,则采用

    事件的触发方式: addEventListenter(“click”, “doSomething”, “true”),其中,若第三参数为true,则采用

  • 2022-05-28 问题

    下面代码的作用是让doSomeThing函数每隔1秒被调用1次。请问哪里有问题() A: 没有将timer加入runloop B: doSomeThing缺少参数 C: 忘记传递数据给userInfo D: myTimer对象未通过[[myTimeralloc]init]方法初始化

    下面代码的作用是让doSomeThing函数每隔1秒被调用1次。请问哪里有问题() A: 没有将timer加入runloop B: doSomeThing缺少参数 C: 忘记传递数据给userInfo D: myTimer对象未通过[[myTimeralloc]init]方法初始化

  • 2021-04-14 问题

    哪一个语言结构最能代表以下多路分支if语句的选择结构。 <?php if ( $a == "a" ) { somefunction ; } else if ( $a == "b" ) { anotherfunction; } else if ( $a == "c" ) { dosomething; } else { donothing; } ?>

    哪一个语言结构最能代表以下多路分支if语句的选择结构。 <?php if ( $a == "a" ) { somefunction ; } else if ( $a == "b" ) { anotherfunction; } else if ( $a == "c" ) { dosomething; } else { donothing; } ?>

  • 2022-05-28 问题

    以下关于JavaScript函数说法正确的有哪些? A: 函数是一组逻辑相关代码的集合。 B: JavaScript函数使用function关键字声明,且无需声明返回类型,即使不返回数据也不用特殊说明。 C: JavaScript函数可以如下声明:functiondoSth(a,b){//dosomething} D: JavaScript函数可以如下声明:vardoSth= function(a,b){//dosomething}; E: JavaScript中函数可作为一个对象来看待,因此函数是可以传递的。比如:functiondosth(){...}varfunc=dosth;

    以下关于JavaScript函数说法正确的有哪些? A: 函数是一组逻辑相关代码的集合。 B: JavaScript函数使用function关键字声明,且无需声明返回类型,即使不返回数据也不用特殊说明。 C: JavaScript函数可以如下声明:functiondoSth(a,b){//dosomething} D: JavaScript函数可以如下声明:vardoSth= function(a,b){//dosomething}; E: JavaScript中函数可作为一个对象来看待,因此函数是可以传递的。比如:functiondosth(){...}varfunc=dosth;

  • 2022-05-31 问题

    从下面四段代码中选择出正确的代码段() A: public class Something {public static void main(String[] args) {Other o = new Other();new Something().addOne(o);}public void addOne(final Other o) {o.i++;}}class Other {public int i;} B: public class Something {void doSomething () {private String s = ̶”;int l = s.length();}} C: abstract class Name {private String name;public abstract boolean isStupidName(String name) {}} D: public class Something {public int addOne(final int x) {return ++x; }}

    从下面四段代码中选择出正确的代码段() A: public class Something {public static void main(String[] args) {Other o = new Other();new Something().addOne(o);}public void addOne(final Other o) {o.i++;}}class Other {public int i;} B: public class Something {void doSomething () {private String s = ̶”;int l = s.length();}} C: abstract class Name {private String name;public abstract boolean isStupidName(String name) {}} D: public class Something {public int addOne(final int x) {return ++x; }}

  • 2022-05-31 问题

    从下面四段(A,B,C,D)代码中选择出正确的代码段 A: abstract class Name { private String name; public abstract boolean isStupidName(String name) {} } B: public class Something { void doSomething () { private String s = ""; int l = s.length(); } } C: public class Something { public static void main(String[] args) { Other o = new Other(); new Something().addOne(o); } public void addOne(final Other o) { o.i++; } } class Other { public int i; } D: public class Something { public int addOne(final int x) { return ++x; } }

    从下面四段(A,B,C,D)代码中选择出正确的代码段 A: abstract class Name { private String name; public abstract boolean isStupidName(String name) {} } B: public class Something { void doSomething () { private String s = ""; int l = s.length(); } } C: public class Something { public static void main(String[] args) { Other o = new Other(); new Something().addOne(o); } public void addOne(final Other o) { o.i++; } } class Other { public int i; } D: public class Something { public int addOne(final int x) { return ++x; } }

  • 2022-06-06 问题

    编写程序题 1.定义一个Animal类(可以定义成抽象类)至少具有跑(run())功能, 2.定义Dog类继承自Animal类,重写run()方法,并添加protectHome()方法 3.定义Fish类继承自Animal类,重写run()方法,并添加swim()方法 4.在主类中定义一个doSomething(Animal animal)方法接收用户传入动物,根据用户传入的具体动物,使用instanceof 关键字,判断具体是何种动物再执行该动物特有的方法如是执行swim()还是protectHome()方法.注意需要用类转换,执行该动物的特有方法。

    编写程序题 1.定义一个Animal类(可以定义成抽象类)至少具有跑(run())功能, 2.定义Dog类继承自Animal类,重写run()方法,并添加protectHome()方法 3.定义Fish类继承自Animal类,重写run()方法,并添加swim()方法 4.在主类中定义一个doSomething(Animal animal)方法接收用户传入动物,根据用户传入的具体动物,使用instanceof 关键字,判断具体是何种动物再执行该动物特有的方法如是执行swim()还是protectHome()方法.注意需要用类转换,执行该动物的特有方法。

  • 2022-05-31 问题

    回答下面的题目:Do you ever wish you were moreoptimistic,someone who always(51) __________ to be successful?Having someone around whoalways(52) __________the worst isn’t really a lot of(53) __________.We all know someone who sees a single cloud on asunny day and says,“It looks(54)rain.”But if you catch yourself thinkingsuch things,it’s important to dosomething(5 5) __________it.You can change your view of life,(56) __________to psychologists.It only takes a little effort,and you’llfind life more rewarding as a(57) __________.Optimism,they say,is partly about self—respectedconfidence but it’s also a more positive way of looking at life and all it hasto(58) __________.Optimists are more(59) __________tostart new projects and are generally more prepared to take risks.Upbringing is obviously veryimportant in forming your(60) __________to the world.Some people are brought up to(61) __________toomuch on others and grow up forever blaming other people when anything(62) __________wrong.Most optimists,on the(63) __________hand,have been brought up not to(64) __________failure as the end of theworld-they just(65) __________with their lives. A: supply B: suggest C: offer D: propose

    回答下面的题目:Do you ever wish you were moreoptimistic,someone who always(51) __________ to be successful?Having someone around whoalways(52) __________the worst isn’t really a lot of(53) __________.We all know someone who sees a single cloud on asunny day and says,“It looks(54)rain.”But if you catch yourself thinkingsuch things,it’s important to dosomething(5 5) __________it.You can change your view of life,(56) __________to psychologists.It only takes a little effort,and you’llfind life more rewarding as a(57) __________.Optimism,they say,is partly about self—respectedconfidence but it’s also a more positive way of looking at life and all it hasto(58) __________.Optimists are more(59) __________tostart new projects and are generally more prepared to take risks.Upbringing is obviously veryimportant in forming your(60) __________to the world.Some people are brought up to(61) __________toomuch on others and grow up forever blaming other people when anything(62) __________wrong.Most optimists,on the(63) __________hand,have been brought up not to(64) __________failure as the end of theworld-they just(65) __________with their lives. A: supply B: suggest C: offer D: propose

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