Which of the following descriptions of epithelial ovarian tumors does not conform to the characteristics of serous tumors? A: About 25% of benign ovarian tumors B: Mostly unilateral, cystic, smooth surface C: There is often papillary growth in the capsule D: Cystic fluid is usually clear liquid
Which of the following descriptions of epithelial ovarian tumors does not conform to the characteristics of serous tumors? A: About 25% of benign ovarian tumors B: Mostly unilateral, cystic, smooth surface C: There is often papillary growth in the capsule D: Cystic fluid is usually clear liquid
The common pathological type of uterine fibroids degeneration does not include which of the following options: A: Cystic degeneration B: Lipoid degeneration C: Hyaline degeneration D: Red degeneration
The common pathological type of uterine fibroids degeneration does not include which of the following options: A: Cystic degeneration B: Lipoid degeneration C: Hyaline degeneration D: Red degeneration
Which of the following statement about the specimen is incorrect?[img=604x463]1803a03821fc0b0.jpg[/img] A: It’s serous epithelial tumor. B: The cystic spaces are divided by multiple septa into multiloculated masses. C: The tumor is the most common ovarian epithelial tumors. D: The tumor consists of mucin-secreting cells.
Which of the following statement about the specimen is incorrect?[img=604x463]1803a03821fc0b0.jpg[/img] A: It’s serous epithelial tumor. B: The cystic spaces are divided by multiple septa into multiloculated masses. C: The tumor is the most common ovarian epithelial tumors. D: The tumor consists of mucin-secreting cells.
Which of the following statement about the specimen is incorrect?[img=604x463]180331e07c77358.jpg[/img] A: It’s serous epithelial tumor. B: The cystic spaces are divided by multiple septa into multiloculated masses. C: The tumor is the most common ovarian epithelial tumors. D: The tumor consists of mucin-secreting cells.
Which of the following statement about the specimen is incorrect?[img=604x463]180331e07c77358.jpg[/img] A: It’s serous epithelial tumor. B: The cystic spaces are divided by multiple septa into multiloculated masses. C: The tumor is the most common ovarian epithelial tumors. D: The tumor consists of mucin-secreting cells.
一个肿性纤维化(cystic fibrosis)病人,其细胞中的囊性纤维化跨膜传导调节因子(cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator,CFTR)基因发生了一个三核苷酸删除突变,导致CFTR蛋白的第508位苯丙氨酸残基删除,继而使该突变蛋白在细胞内折叠错误。该病人体内细胞识别到该突变蛋白,并通过添加泛素分子对其进行修饰,试问被修饰后的突变蛋白的命运如何 A: 泛素将校正突变的影响,从而使突变蛋白的功能恢复正常 B: 分泌到细胞外 C: 进入贮存装泡 D: 被蛋白酶体降解 E: 被细胞内的酶修复
一个肿性纤维化(cystic fibrosis)病人,其细胞中的囊性纤维化跨膜传导调节因子(cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator,CFTR)基因发生了一个三核苷酸删除突变,导致CFTR蛋白的第508位苯丙氨酸残基删除,继而使该突变蛋白在细胞内折叠错误。该病人体内细胞识别到该突变蛋白,并通过添加泛素分子对其进行修饰,试问被修饰后的突变蛋白的命运如何 A: 泛素将校正突变的影响,从而使突变蛋白的功能恢复正常 B: 分泌到细胞外 C: 进入贮存装泡 D: 被蛋白酶体降解 E: 被细胞内的酶修复
一个囊肿性纤维化(cystic<br/>fibrosis)患者,其细胞中的囊性纤维化跨膜传导调节因子(Cystic<br/>Fibrosis Transmembrane Conductance<br/>Regulator,CFTR)基因发生了一个三核苷酸删除突变,导致CFTR蛋白的第508位苯丙氨酸残基删除,继而使该突变蛋白在细胞内折叠错误。该患者体内细胞识别到该突变蛋白,并通过添加泛素分子对其进行修饰。经修饰后的突变蛋白的命运是() A: 泛素将校正突变的影响,从而使突变蛋白的功能恢复正常 B: 分泌到细胞外 C: 进入贮存囊泡 D: 被蛋白酶体降解 E: 被细胞内的酶修复
一个囊肿性纤维化(cystic<br/>fibrosis)患者,其细胞中的囊性纤维化跨膜传导调节因子(Cystic<br/>Fibrosis Transmembrane Conductance<br/>Regulator,CFTR)基因发生了一个三核苷酸删除突变,导致CFTR蛋白的第508位苯丙氨酸残基删除,继而使该突变蛋白在细胞内折叠错误。该患者体内细胞识别到该突变蛋白,并通过添加泛素分子对其进行修饰。经修饰后的突变蛋白的命运是() A: 泛素将校正突变的影响,从而使突变蛋白的功能恢复正常 B: 分泌到细胞外 C: 进入贮存囊泡 D: 被蛋白酶体降解 E: 被细胞内的酶修复