Which of the following stories best indicates the sweetness of love?
Which of the following stories best indicates the sweetness of love?
This flower symbolises sweetness, purity and the endurance of mother’s love.
This flower symbolises sweetness, purity and the endurance of mother’s love.
Her kiss was fluttery and full of sweetness, but nonetheless a hostess kiss.
Her kiss was fluttery and full of sweetness, but nonetheless a hostess kiss.
Which is not a basic taste? A: Sweetness B: Saltiness C: Spiciness D: Bitterness
Which is not a basic taste? A: Sweetness B: Saltiness C: Spiciness D: Bitterness
I think handmade gifts are very( ) A: sweet B: sweetly C: sweetness
I think handmade gifts are very( ) A: sweet B: sweetly C: sweetness
萃取过度的espresso, 主要表现出的风味是什么?What is the taste of overextracted espresso? A: 酸acidity B: 甜sweetness C: 苦bitterness
萃取过度的espresso, 主要表现出的风味是什么?What is the taste of overextracted espresso? A: 酸acidity B: 甜sweetness C: 苦bitterness
Which of the following stories best indicates the sweetness of love? A: The story told in the poem “息夫人” B: The story told in the song “蒹葭” C: The story of “烽火戏诸侯”
Which of the following stories best indicates the sweetness of love? A: The story told in the poem “息夫人” B: The story told in the song “蒹葭” C: The story of “烽火戏诸侯”