• 2021-04-14 问题



  • 2022-06-07 问题

    The accommodation is necessary for viewing both distant and near objects. This eyes might be A: nearsightedness (myopia) B: farsightedness (hyperopia) C: astigmasism D: emmetropia‍ E: oldsightness (presbyopia)‍

    The accommodation is necessary for viewing both distant and near objects. This eyes might be A: nearsightedness (myopia) B: farsightedness (hyperopia) C: astigmasism D: emmetropia‍ E: oldsightness (presbyopia)‍

  • 2022-06-01 问题

    Amblyopia should be suspected as a contributor to decreased visual acuity when ( ) A: Hyperopia ≥ +5.00 DS B: Myopia ≥ -10.00 DS C: Astigmatism ≥ 2.00 DC D: Difference of clyindrical diopter ≥ 1.00 DC

    Amblyopia should be suspected as a contributor to decreased visual acuity when ( ) A: Hyperopia ≥ +5.00 DS B: Myopia ≥ -10.00 DS C: Astigmatism ≥ 2.00 DC D: Difference of clyindrical diopter ≥ 1.00 DC

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