• 2022-06-06 问题

    Plane is to air pocket as______. () A: horse is to reins B: safety is to danger C: ground is to sky D: vehicle is to rut E: hangar is to airport

    Plane is to air pocket as______. () A: horse is to reins B: safety is to danger C: ground is to sky D: vehicle is to rut E: hangar is to airport

  • 2021-04-14 问题

    The following description appeared in a press release about a scientific study: The wires attached to the antennae serve as electronic reins, injecting small charges into the roach’s neural tissue. Later, a student wrote in his/her essay about the research: They attached one side of the electrodes (5cm long stainless steel coated with 250um thick Teflon) to the antennas to serve as electronic reins, injecting small charges into the roach’s neural tissue. Does this constitute plagiarism?

    The following description appeared in a press release about a scientific study: The wires attached to the antennae serve as electronic reins, injecting small charges into the roach’s neural tissue. Later, a student wrote in his/her essay about the research: They attached one side of the electrodes (5cm long stainless steel coated with 250um thick Teflon) to the antennas to serve as electronic reins, injecting small charges into the roach’s neural tissue. Does this constitute plagiarism?

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