Propranolol is a A: M3 receptor agonist B: α receptor agonist C: β receptor antagonist D: α receptor antagonist E: NM receptor antagonist
Propranolol is a A: M3 receptor agonist B: α receptor agonist C: β receptor antagonist D: α receptor antagonist E: NM receptor antagonist
Propranolol (普萘洛尔) belongs to A: α receptor antagonist B: α receptor agonist C: β receptor antagonist D: β receptor agonist
Propranolol (普萘洛尔) belongs to A: α receptor antagonist B: α receptor agonist C: β receptor antagonist D: β receptor agonist
One of the selective α1-receptor blockers is A: clodinine B: prazosin C: phentolamine D: α-methyldopa E: tolazoline
One of the selective α1-receptor blockers is A: clodinine B: prazosin C: phentolamine D: α-methyldopa E: tolazoline
The majority of cell-surface receptor is ( ).
The majority of cell-surface receptor is ( ).
名词解释:cardiopulmonary receptor
名词解释:cardiopulmonary receptor
Mechanism of action: prazosin ()( ) A: alpha-1 receptor blocker B: beta receptor blocker C: phosphodiesterase inhibitor D: calcium channel blocker
Mechanism of action: prazosin ()( ) A: alpha-1 receptor blocker B: beta receptor blocker C: phosphodiesterase inhibitor D: calcium channel blocker
Drops of blood pressure can lead to renin release, which is mainly because A: stretch receptor of afferent arteriole B: aortic arch baroreceptor C: osmoreceptor in hypothalamus D: cardiopulmonary receptor
Drops of blood pressure can lead to renin release, which is mainly because A: stretch receptor of afferent arteriole B: aortic arch baroreceptor C: osmoreceptor in hypothalamus D: cardiopulmonary receptor
Which form is transformation ( ) A: genetic substance was transmitted from donor bacterium to receptor bacterium by F pilus B: genetic substance was transmitted from donor bacterium to receptor bacterium by vector phage C: Free DNA segment from donor bacterium directly was ingested into receptor bacterium D: prophage was integrated into bacterial chromosome
Which form is transformation ( ) A: genetic substance was transmitted from donor bacterium to receptor bacterium by F pilus B: genetic substance was transmitted from donor bacterium to receptor bacterium by vector phage C: Free DNA segment from donor bacterium directly was ingested into receptor bacterium D: prophage was integrated into bacterial chromosome
中国大学MOOC: This receptor family contains ________________. Choose the best expression below.
中国大学MOOC: This receptor family contains ________________. Choose the best expression below.
GABA acts on the presynaptic GABAa receptor making the cell membranes hyperpolarization to inhibit the conduction of nerve.
GABA acts on the presynaptic GABAa receptor making the cell membranes hyperpolarization to inhibit the conduction of nerve.